High Performance Committee
The purpose of the High Performance Committee is to assist and advise Sport Ireland in relation to the performance of its functions under section 8 (1) of the Sport Ireland Act 2015, relevant to the achievement of excellence in competitive sport.
The Committee will:
1. Advise on the strategic and operational planning for the High Performance Programme and the Sport Ireland Institute
2. Advise on key initiatives within the High Performance Programme and the Sport Ireland Institute to include:
- National Governing Body High Performance Investment and Performance Planning Process
- Implementation of the Carding Scheme Review
- Implementation of the Rio Review, and any other Report as directed by the Board
- Overall coordination and collaboration within the High Performance system
- Coaching development in the High Performance system
3. Advise on national and international policies and requirements in conjunction with the High Performance Unit and the Sport Ireland Institute

High Performance Committee Members:
Olive Loughnane, Chair, Sport Ireland Board Member
Deirdre Ryan, Sport Ireland Board Member
Peter Sherrard, Chief Executive, Olympic Federation of Ireland
Stephen McNamara, Chief Executive, Paralympics Ireland
Richard Archibald, Director of Sport, Sport Northern Ireland
Brian Moore, Independent Member
Natalya Coyle, Independent Member
Des Ryan, Independent Member