ICOACHKIDS Regional Coaching Conference - Limerick

ICOACHKIDS Regional Coaching Conference - Limerick
Registration and more information
Cost: €10 per coach.
Conference Schedule
- Welcome
Introduction to the ICOACHKIDS Regional Conference and welcome to all the coaches in attendance.
- The ICOACHKIDS Pledge - From Page to Practice (Sergio Lara-Bercial)
In this session, Sergio will introduce the ICOACHKIDS Pledge, the 10 Golden Rules to create positive developmental experiences for children in sport. The Pledge provides flexible guidance to create successful youth sport programmes that put kids first. Sergio will offer practical examples of how to bring the Pledge to life in your day-to-day coaching and provide opportunities for coaches to reflect with their co-coaches on the 10 principles, and their current and future application.
- The Compass for Coaching Children (Nicolette Shipper-van Veldhoven)
Coaches are continuously, consciously or unconsciously, involved in the education and development process of young people. They sometimes appear to be quite strict or even authoritarian. How aware are you of the influence of your own behavior? Do you know the young people you coach? How aware are you of the need for a positive and safe sport climate? To this end we have designed the Compass for Coaching Children, as a guiding tool for creating the best learning environment in and through sport. In this session, Nicolette will introduce the Compass and how you can use it in your coaching practice.
- Let’s Get Real Q&A (Donegal and Sligo)
In this session Sergio and Nicolette will answer questions posed by coaches of children/teens about the real issues and challenges they face in their day-to-day coaching. This will include responses to queries that attending coaches have submitted before the conference.
- ICOACHKIDS Regional Conference Close