Coach Developers
Coach Developers are experienced coaches or instructors who are deployed by their National Governing Body (NGB) to train and support coaches and instructors. Sport Ireland Coaching provide a suite of programmes for Coach Developers. These include, but are not limited to:
- Certificate in Sports Coach Development (formerly known as Level 2 Coach Developer)
- Coach Developer Assessor
- Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Opportunities
- Specialist workshops
- Officials Developer
- Diploma in Sports Coach Development (collaboration between Sport Ireland and Munster Technological University)
How can I access these programmes?
Further information on these programmes is provided in the relevant section below as well as upcoming dates. Potential applicants must be nominated by their NGB and must meet the entry requirements for the programme. If you are interested in any of the programmes, please read the relevant section and then contact Sport Ireland Coaching ( for further information and relevant application forms.

Certificate in Sports Coach Development
(formerly known as Level 2 Coach Developer)

Coach Developer Assessor
Info for Coach Developer Assessors
CPD Opportunities

Diploma in Sports Coach Development
Collaboration between Sport Ireland & Munster TU