Coaching Committee
The purpose of the Coaching Committee is to assist and advise Sport Ireland in relation to its functions relating to the development of coaching and coaches. In carrying out its responsibilities, the Committee:
- Assists and advises Sport Ireland in the development of Coaches and Coach Developers at all levels in sport, and, in co-operation with sporting bodies
- Provides technical advice to Sport Ireland with regard to the core work areas of coach development and education.
- Makes recommendations on the direction of policy and strategy for the development of coaching to the Board of Sport Ireland.
- Reviews, and recommends on, best practice in coaching from a national and international perspective.
- Assists with the alignment of the Coaching Development Programme for Ireland onto the National Framework of Qualifications and European Qualifications Framework respectively.
Membership and Procedures
The Minister appoints the chairperson of the Coaching Committee in accordance with paragraph 6(6) of Schedule 1 of the Sport Ireland Act, 2015. All other members of the Committee are appointed by the Board of Sport Ireland and include technical personnel from the broad sporting landscape with relevance to Sport Ireland's functions relating to the development of coaching and coaches. The membership of the Coaching Committee includes:
- Chairperson - Sport Ireland Board Member
- 3-4 representatives from National Governing Bodies of sport
- 1-2 representatives from broad sporting landscape
- Sport Ireland CEO
- Director of Sport Ireland Coaching
- Director of Sport Ireland Institute
- Representative from Sport Northern Ireland
The Committee acts in accordance with the Standing Orders of Sport Ireland and meets at least three times a year.