Services Provided Or To Be Provided To the Public

Grant Schemes

The Irish public through Sport Ireland, provides grant funding for:

  • National Governing Bodies of Sport
  • High Performance
  • Local Sports Partnerships


National Governing Bodies of Sport

Sport Ireland acts as a resource for the National Governing Bodies of Sport ( NGBs). One of the main priorities of Sport Ireland is to strengthen and develop capabilities of the NGBs of Ireland. The NGB Unit is an advisory Unit for Governing Bodies in areas of governance, change management, strategic planning and procedural issues as well as compliance. This is facilitated through regular liaison meetings with updates from Governing Bodies and advice and support provided by the Unit.

Sport Ireland operates a recognition process for organisations wishing to become eligible for support as Governing Bodies of Sport. The recognition criteria establish minimum requirements for all organisations wishing to apply for financial support.

For more details on the Recognition Process and administration of grant schemes to National Governing Bodies of Sport visit the NGB Section of the website: <>


High Performance

Sport Ireland aims to ensure Ireland's performances in elite international sport improve and to create consistent success at elite level defined as producing Irish athletes in the finals at European, World, Olympic and Paralympic level.

Sport Ireland also supports elite athletes through the International Carding Scheme. Athletes should contact their relevant Sporting Body for details on the programme.


Local Sports Partnerships

The key aims of the Local Sports Partnerships are to increase participation in sport, and to ensure that local resources are used to best effect.

For more information on your Local Sports Partnership, please click here:



Services to the Public

Sport Ireland Campus

The Sport Ireland Campus provides state-of-the-art sports facilities to both elite athletes in Ireland while offering valuable amenities to the local community, including sport facility rentals, kids camps, sports academies, birthday parties, team-building events, corporate conferences and more. 

The Sport Ireland Campus and is operated by Sport Ireland Facilities DAC, whose mission to develop a Campus that becomes the heartbeat of Irish Sport where performance, participation and recreational sport live side by side, in an inspirational venue that hosts great events and is a home for the sporting community.

The Campus is over 500 acres and boasts an impressive array of facilities including the Sport Ireland National Aquatic Centre, Sport Ireland National Indoor Arena (incorporating the National Indoor Athletics Training Centre, National Gymnastics Training Centre, National Indoor Arena Covered Pitches, and National Indoor Training Centre), Sport Ireland Institute- providing sports science and medical facilities, National Modern Pentathlon Centre, National Horse Sports Arena, National Dryland Diving Centre, National Cross Country Track, and Multi-Sport Pitches. 

Several High-Performance Sports are based at Sport Ireland Campus. These sports training year round with access to facilities, services and coaching. 

 - Gymnastics Ireland

 - Swim Ireland

 - Paralympics Ireland (Swim Programme)

 - Hockey Ireland

 - Irish Athletic Boxing Association

 - Badminton Ireland 

 - Irish Rugby Football Association 

 - Pentathlon Ireland

Furthermore the Sport Ireland Campus is home to over 25 different National Governing Bodies administrative offices.  

For full details on the services on offer to the public please visit the Sport Ireland Campus website.