Financial Information

Financial Statements:

A full breakdown of the Sport Ireland financial statements can be found in the organisations annual reports and include the following:

  • Statement of Responsibilities of Sport Ireland
  • Statement on Internal Financial Control
  • Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General
  • Accounting Policies
  • Income and Expenditure Account
  • Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses (STRGL)
  • Balance Sheet
  • Cashflow Statement
  • Notes to the Financial Statements


Plans for major Capital Expenditure

 A Master Plan for the Sport Ireland Campus is currently being developed. This process will chart out the plan and Strategic direction for the Campus over the next ten years.


Payments or Purchase Orders for goods and services

Purchase orders over €20,000 can be viewed below.


Governance Board Member remuneration

A full breakdown of the Sport Ireland Board Member remuneration can be found in the financial statements of the organisations annual reports.


Funding/Sponsorship of Non-Public Bodies 

Sport Ireland's core work relates to the provision of grants to NGBs and LSPs. These figures are announced publicly via a press release and full details published in Sport Ireland's Annual report.