Preparing a Creative Arts & Culture Plan for the Sport Ireland Campus

Public Consultation

Public Consultation Invitation - Get Involved!

Sport Ireland is implementing a Creative Arts and Culture Plan for the Sport Ireland Campus and would like to get your input on the project. 

The Sport Ireland Campus is a 500 acre site located in Blanchardstown, Dublin, dedicated to sporting endeavour of all kinds. The campus is home to 70 sports organisations, the National Aquatic Centre, and also provides the facilities for high performance athletes as they prepare to compete on the world stage. 

Sport Ireland is implementing a Masterplan for the site, developing further infrastructure to ensure Ireland achieves at the highest levels of sport; and our wider campus is enjoyed by visitors for walking and other forms of recreation. The values of the plan include 'Placemaking' through memorable, distinctive and connected spaces; and 'Community Participation' via accessible recreational facilities for the enjoyment of all.

Click the link below to find out more on how you can participate in this consultation and let us know what you’d love to see included!