Sport Ireland Institute HPX Nutrition 2024

HPX Nutrition
Sport Ireland Institute HPX Nutrition 2024
In partnership with the National Dairy Council, HPX 2024 aims to delve into whether we recognise and harness the full extent of nutrition’s impact on athlete health and performance. Despite the rapid growth of applied research in sports nutrition, traditional metrics and cut-offs like body composition targets and hydration status may overlook subtle nuances or fail to capture the process and targeted outcomes of nutrition interventions on the health, well-being and performance of athletes, i.e. a robust and fuelled athlete. By bringing together experts, researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders from diverse backgrounds, the conference attempts to share ideas, identify gaps and explore opportunities to maximise the holistic impact of nutrition using multidisciplinary dialogue, reflections from the Paris Games and networking workshops.
Registration and Networking:
- Multidisciplinary Panel Discussion – What is Impactful Nutrition?
- Applied Sports Science- Demonstrating effective impact for stakeholders
- The Reality of Recovery for Elite Athletes
- Parallel Networking Workshop and Campus Tour
Afternoon Session:
- Data Analytics in Sports Nutrition - Translating wearables into impact
- Measuring Nutrition Impact Beyond the Podium