Launch of Statement of Commitment and Action to Disability Inclusion in Sport
Sport Ireland has launched a Statement of Commitment and Action to advance and promote the inclusion of people with a disability in sport across the country.
This has been developed under our Diversity and Inclusion Policy and delivers five clear statements of commitment (change, communications, access, capacity and leadership) co-designed by the wider sport sector, with accompanying actions for Sport Ireland to achieve.
These include seeking, investing in and optimising funding opportunities, increasing representation in promotional campaigns, providing training, education and upskilling opportunities, and enhancing the accessibility and inclusivity of sporting facilities and spaces.
The Statement is further evidence of Sport Ireland’s continuing commitment to taking a leadership role, fostering collaboration and creating a lasting impact and meaningful change in the realm of disability sports.
Sport Ireland CEO Dr Úna May said: “This Statement highlights the massive importance we place on ensuring everyone in Ireland can have the same opportunity to enjoy the lifelong benefits of sport and physical health.
“In 2023, 52% of people without a disability took part in sport on a weekly basis, compared to 32% of people with a disability. As the number of people over 75 is due to increase significantly this will have a large impact on disability sports participation rates.
“This commitment reflects the evolution of Sport Ireland’s investment in, and commitment to disability inclusion in sport since 2017 and represents the next phase of our work – building on the strong foundations already in place and ensuring Sport Ireland continues to show leadership in this area ultimately improving participation rates despite the challenges ahead.”
Key to this is the recruitment of a dedicated Disability Inclusion Lead to work across the sport sector and with other key stakeholders to deliver the commitments and actions outlined in the statement. The lead will develop a comprehensive operational plan which outlines specific and time-bound tasks, resources, and strategies to be implemented against the statement’s headline actions and pillars. (See below for further information on how to apply for this role).
Helen McHugh, Director of Ethics & Integrity at Sport Ireland, said: “The significant consultation and engagement with key stakeholders in the sport sector to deliver this statement represents a unity of purpose in how we work together to increase participation in sport and physical activity amongst people with a disability.
“This included engaging with nearly 500 people with disabilities, 42 Sport sector organisations and 154 stakeholder groups. Relevant colleagues and units in Sport Ireland also contributed, including board member Deirdre Mongan who played a significant role in the consultations. It’s important the sport sector continues to work together with this shared determination and vision for Disability Inclusion in Sport.”
Notes on the Statement of Commitment and Action to Disability Inclusion in Sport
The five clear statements of change, communications, access, capacity and leadership are outlined below:
Access: We are committed to spearheading efforts aimed at enhancing the accessibility and inclusivity of spaces and facilities where individuals with disabilities engage in physical activities. Moreover, we will continuously seek and allocate funding for innovative programs and initiatives aimed at eliminating barriers, thereby enhancing participation and performance in sports and physical activities for disabled individuals.
Capacity: We are dedicated to expanding the capacity within our organisations by providing comprehensive training, education, and upskilling opportunities focused on the inclusion of disabled people This includes targeted and tailored training and education initiatives to ensure that resources and expertise are readily available within core funded partners. Our aim is to establish sustainable, inclusive opportunities for all.
Communications: We pledge to include representation and promotion of individuals with disabilities in our campaigns, communications, and promotional activities. Furthermore, we are dedicated to actively involving disabled people in the development, design, implementation, and review of campaigns and programs that influence their participation.
Leadership: We commit to taking a leadership role and fostering collaboration within the sport sector. This entails continually enhancing our understanding of the barriers to disability participation in sport and physical activity. Moreover, we will actively seek, invest in, and optimise funding opportunities to develop sustainable participation opportunities for individuals with disabilities. Through proactive leadership and strategic partnerships, we aim to create lasting impact and meaningful change in the realm of disability sports.
Change: To ingrain the inclusion of people with disabilities into the very fabric of the sport sector, we will cultivate confident, knowledgeable, and well-trained organisations throughout the sector, enabling them to offer inclusive environments and experiences for individuals with disabilities in sports.